Evaluation Reports

I’m an Engineer – Ingenious funded zones 2016/17 report

This Ingenious Grant from the Royal Academy of Engineering enabled us to connect 2,810 students from 78 schools with 33 engineers between June 2016 and March 2017. Of students who logged in, 87% actively engaged with the event through CHAT, VOTE and ASK where they posted more than 2,600 questions. Schools identified as likely to be under-served by engineering outreach (widening participation schools) made up 34% of those involved, exceeding our objectives for this group. “It was very open and candid, the students weren’t shy at all like they typically might be in a classroom with an engineer standing in front of them personally.” – Engineer “[I have learnt] That even girls can be engineers if they want to and you can do anything that you want in engineering as there is so many possibilities.” – Student “The students found talking to real people very engaging. They weren’t shy and … Continue reading

Posted on September 1, 2017 by ModShane in Evaluation, Evaluation Reports | Comments Off on I’m an Engineer – Ingenious funded zones 2016/17 report

I’m a Biomedical Engineer Final Report

In 2014, we received a People Award to run 8 I’m an Engineer zones featuring biomedical engineers. Read the final report on the zones here Below are the key outcomes we found after evaluating the zones of I’m a (Biomedical) Engineer: The zones engaged over 3,100 students across the UK with real people working in biomedical engineering (page 5). 40 engineers related to biomedical engineering themes were able to engage with school students (page 6). This included people designing prosthetic limbs, researchers developing regenerative tissue scaffolds, and hospital imaging system administrators. The zones facilitated many conversations and discussions around biomedical engineering themes and what it was like to be a biomedical engineer: Students asked the engineers 1,614 questions in ASK (examples on page 9), and popular keywords in live chats included ‘medical’, ‘food’, ‘research’, ‘career’, ‘technology’, ‘heart’, ‘people’, ‘design’, ‘bones’, ‘surgery’, ‘job’, ‘project’ (page 10). After taking part, 84% of … Continue reading

Posted on June 7, 2017 by ModShane in Evaluation, Evaluation Reports | Comments Off on I’m a Biomedical Engineer Final Report

I’m a Biomedical Engineer – Interim report

In 2014, we received a People Award to run 8 I’m an Engineer zones featuring biomedical engineers between 1st April 2014 and 1st April 2017. Read the interim report on the zones here We have run 4 zones so far: 2 in June 2014 and 2 in June 2015. We plan to run another 4 zones in March and June 2016. We ran a Food Zone and a Health Zone in June 2014 and a Hospitals Zone and an Artificial Body (Prosthetics) Zone in June 2015. 1,543 students have taken part in the WT funded biomedical engineering zones. A total of 1,896 (474 per zone) questions have been asked Average of 16 live chats per zone. 82% of the students have actively engaged by asking questions, taking part in live chats or voting for their favourite engineer. The percentage of students who thought engineering jobs were “very interesting” went from … Continue reading

Posted on September 10, 2015 by ModShane in Evaluation, Evaluation Reports | Comments Off on I’m a Biomedical Engineer – Interim report