What Michael Sulu did with his prize money

Mike was voted the winner of Production Zone in November 2015. Here he reports back on the outreach activities he was able to do thanks to his £500 prize money. If you’re an engineer who’d like funding to support your own STEM outreach activities, apply now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here at imanengineer.org.uk/engineers I had grand plans for the prize money, I think everyone does! But I wasn’t expecting the year to pan out how it did! My first thought was to create a low-cost bioreactor to use as a tool to explain biochemical engineering, but it turns out that ‘low cost’ is a relative term and £500 wouldn’t stretch far enough to allow me to make more than 1! And to make more schools would need some specialist equipment, such as a 3D printer. So I moved the goal posts. Next idea, was to take part in a … Continue reading

Posted on August 2, 2017 by ModShane in IETWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Michael Sulu did with his prize money

‘The live chats were INCREDIBLY exciting’ – June 2017 Winner’s Blogs

After every event we ask the winning engineers to write a short post to be sent to all the students in who took part in their zone. It’s a great way for the engineers to reflect on the previous two weeks, thank all the students for voting for them and talk about their outreach plans for the prize money.

If you’re an engineer keen to answer students’ questions, apply now for the next event happening in November: imanengineer.org.uk/engineer-apply Continue reading

Posted on June 30, 2017 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on ‘The live chats were INCREDIBLY exciting’ – June 2017 Winner’s Blogs

What Mohamed Salaheldin did with his prize money…

Mohamed won the Communications Zone in 2015. He donated his prize money to Code Club, read on for how the organisation used the £500. If you’re an engineer who’d like funding to support your own STEM outreach activities, apply now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here at imanengineer.org.uk/engineers “At Code Club, we think all children should have the opportunity to learn to code, no matter who they are or where they come from. To do this, we support a nationwide network of volunteers and educators who run free coding clubs for children aged 9-11 to build and share their ideas, learning along the way. Mohamed’s donation of £500 enabled 7 children to have a full year of Code Club sessions (39 club sessions) in 2015. The cost of running a club is split into volunteer recruitment, vetting and training, creation of project resources and ongoing support of … Continue reading

Posted on May 3, 2017 by ModShane in IETWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Mohamed Salaheldin did with his prize money…

March 2017 Winners’ Blogs

After every event we ask the winning engineers to write a short blog to be sent to all the students in who took part in the zone. It’s a great way for the engineers to reflect on the previous two weeks, thank all the students for voting for them and talk about their outreach plans for the prize money.

If you’re an engineer keen to answer students’ questions, apply now for the next event happening in June: imanengineer.org.uk/engineer-apply Continue reading

Posted on March 23, 2017 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on March 2017 Winners’ Blogs

What Lizzie Kapasa did with her prize money…

Lizzie won the Artificial Body Zone in June 2015. Since then she has used the £500 prize money to expand her childrens’ engineering book project, ‘Suzie and Ricky’. Here she tells us more. If you’re an engineer who’d like funding to support your own STEM outreach activities, apply now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here at imanengineer.org.uk/engineers I could not have dreamed how far my project has come since winning I’m an Engineer in 2015. To everyone involved, I cannot thank all of you enough. Thanks to all of you, I was able to donate the £500 to support this incredible children’s book project, ‘Suzie & Ricky: The Crash Landing’. The overall aim of the children’s book is to inspire primary school children to want to be engineers at a young age. A few days after my win, it was National Women in Engineering Day where we held an … Continue reading

Posted on March 22, 2017 by ModShane in Winner Reports, WTWinner | Comments Off on What Lizzie Kapasa did with her prize money…

What Stevie Wray did with his prize money…

Stevie was voted the winner of the Energy Zone in November 2015. Here he reports back on how he used his £500 prize money for more engineering outreach. If you’re an engineer who’d like funding to support your own STEM outreach activities, apply now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here at imanengineer.org.uk/engineers My winnings from the 2015 Energy Zone of I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here have now started to be put to good use! I’ve donated the money to Science Oxford who organise Science Technology Engineering and Maths (STEM) outreach activities in Oxfordshire (and beyond). They’ve restarted a club that is close to my heart called the Creative Computing Club; in this incarnation they are using BBC micro:bits to teach children to code and understand a bit about computing in general – even down to the electronics level! The initial plan for the money … Continue reading

Posted on March 1, 2017 by ModShane in IETWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Stevie Wray did with his prize money…

What Zoe George did with her prize money…

Zoe George was voted the winner of the the Food Zone in June 2014. She used the money to facilitate workshops in the Chemical Engineering department at the University of Birmingham for 100 school students. Zoe spent £200 on a microscope and camera that allows the students to take their own images of different substances in the workshops. Zoe said ‘My main aim was to get across the role a food engineer plays in the development of everyday products that you eat, which you probably don’t even think about.‘ The rest of the funds were used for workshop supplies and travel expenses.   If you’re an engineer who’d like funding to support your own STEM outreach activities, apply now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here at imanengineer.org.uk/engineers

Posted on February 15, 2017 by ModShane in Winner Reports, WTWinner | Comments Off on What Zoe George did with her prize money…

What Rhys Archer did with her prize money…

Rhys won the Space for All Zone in June 2015. Since then she’s been hard at work setting up her own outreach project: Women of Science, and here she tells us about the experience. If you’re an engineer who’d like the funding to develop your own outreach activities apply for I’m an Engineer at imanengineer.org.uk/engineer-apply. I had done quite a lot of science outreach within schools before I took part in the Space for All Zone last March, so I had a good idea of the issues I wanted to try and address with the prize money – namely being 1) under representation of women in science, and 2) misrepresentation of what science and engineering is. My first idea was to create leaflets to send to widening participation schools, one a very illustrative one showing the different types of science and engineering jobs which affect everyday life, and the second … Continue reading

Posted on December 7, 2016 by ModShane in UKSAWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Rhys Archer did with her prize money…

November 2016 Winner Blogs

After every event we ask the winning engineers to write a short blog to be sent to all the students in who took part in the zone. It’s a great way for the engineers to reflect on the previous two weeks, thank all the students for voting for them and talk about their outreach plans for the prize money.

If you’re an engineer keen to answer students’ questions, apply now for the next event happening in March for British Science week: imanengineer.org.uk/engineer-apply Continue reading

Posted on December 5, 2016 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on November 2016 Winner Blogs