“Such a remarkable experience” – November 2018 winners’ blog posts

K-Jo O’Flynn, Oxford Space Systems, Space Zone
I’m an Engineer is really such a remarkable experience as it provides so many opportunities for students and helps motivate people in so many ways!

It shows that engineering of any sort is not an impossible goal but one you have to work for and be passionate towards! For me, I struggled with science and now I have ended up as a space engineer! Nothing is impossible! Continue reading

Posted on November 26, 2018 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on “Such a remarkable experience” – November 2018 winners’ blog posts

What Stacey Marple did with her prize money

Stacey was voted the winner of the Smart Materials Zone in June 2017. Here she writes about using the £500 prize money to If you’re an engineer who’d like funding to support your own STEM outreach activities, apply now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here at imanengineer.org.uk/engineers I knew I wanted to spend the prize winnings on encouraging students to study and work in STEM fields through engagement, inspiration and developing their STEM skills.  Tall order with £500! So I teamed up with Tech for Life Newcastle to organise an event which would include practical workshops and a panel session.  Most importantly it needed to be led by people working in STEM. I believe it’s really important for the students and parents to meet and talk to real life scientists and engineers. So we set about organising the event, approaching our joint networks to get support and resources. We decided the … Continue reading

Posted on September 27, 2018 by ModShane in RAEngWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Stacey Marple did with her prize money

What Emma Ryan did with her prize money

Emma was voted the winner of the Ampere Zone in March 2017. Here she writes about using the £500 prize money to run materials workshops in schools, involving Lego! If you’re an engineer who’d like funding to support your own STEM outreach activities, apply now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here at imanengineer.org.uk/engineers The prize money has allowed me to develop a Materials Workshop for local schools in the area. The workshop is now part of the outreach activities at Lockheed Martin UK and the outreach team will continue to use it. I hope that we can help more students realise that scientists and engineers are normal people. I bought all the Lego with the prize money from I’m an Engineer! Well, that and a few other things. Here is me posing with some of the resources for the Materials Workshop I developed for local schools in the area. The workshop … Continue reading

Posted on August 8, 2018 by ModShane in RAEngWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Emma Ryan did with her prize money

What Ana Gallego did with her prize money

Ana was voted the winner of the Artificial Body Zone in March 2017. Here she writes about using her £500 prize money to create a website about the commonalities between engineering and baking. If you’re an engineer who’d like funding to support your own STEM outreach activities, apply now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here at imanengineer.org.uk/engineers The money has been spent in the majority to develop a website (https://www.engineerabake.com/) to upload content related to baking and engineering. My background is materials engineering, and I have always found a big connection between the properties of materials and the foods one can bake at home. I thought that by having a website, I would be able to reach a lot more students and it would be used as a reference tool to use with students and potentially even use them as little workshops or experiments in the future. I purchased a … Continue reading

Posted on July 25, 2018 by ModShane in Winner Reports, WTWinner | Comments Off on What Ana Gallego did with her prize money

‘I feel reinvigorated by what I do’ – June 2018 Winners blog posts

After every event we ask the winning engineers to write a short post to be sent to all the students who took part in the zone. It’s the perfect way for the engineers to reflect on the previous two weeks, thank all the students for voting for them, and talk about how they plan to use their £500 prize money.

If you’re an engineer keen to experience the ‘best crash course in scicomm’, apply now for the next event, taking place 5th–16th November, at imanengineer.org.uk/engineer-apply Continue reading

Posted on July 13, 2018 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on ‘I feel reinvigorated by what I do’ – June 2018 Winners blog posts

Showing students the relevance of their learning

“Doing something engaging like this creates a more well-rounded education and my students have now seen real-life applications of curriculum content.” — Lucy, Maths Teacher at Cornelius Vermuyden School, Canvey Island

Only a small proportion of students at Cornelius Vermuyden School aspire to go to university or move out of the local area, and many don’t see the point in what they study in school. Lucy tells us how their involvement in I’m an Engineer helped them see the importance of maths and broaden their horizons. Continue reading

Posted on July 13, 2018 by ModShane in Case Study, News | Comments Off on Showing students the relevance of their learning

‘You have revitalised my love for engineering’ – March 2018 Winners blog posts

After every event we ask the winning engineers to write a short post to be sent to all the students who took part in the zone. It’s the perfect way for the engineers to reflect on the previous two weeks, thank all the students for voting for them, and talk about how they plan to use their £500 prize money.

If you’re an engineer keen to experience the ‘best crash course in scicomm’, apply now for the next event at imanengineer.org.uk/engineer-apply Continue reading

Posted on March 27, 2018 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on ‘You have revitalised my love for engineering’ – March 2018 Winners blog posts

Engaging parents with engineers

In November 2017, we ran a zone for the parents, carers and families of students in I’m a Scientist and I’m an Engineer. We want to help them discover more about engineering careers.

Why we did it

Research and surveys consistently point towards the strong influence of parental attitudes on children’s careers choices and aspirations¹²³⁴. For professions such as engineering, where knowledge of what it’s really like is generally low, parents can fall back on limiting old-fashioned stereotypes of who can become an engineer, often unconsciously biasing their children away from considering the industry. Continue reading

Posted on January 28, 2018 by ModShane in Evaluation | Comments Off on Engaging parents with engineers

‘I have fallen in love all over again with engineering’ – November 2017 Winners blog posts

After every event we ask the winning engineers to write a short post to be sent to all the students who took part in the zone. It’s the perfect way for the engineers to reflect on the previous two weeks, thank all the students for voting for them, and talk about how they plan to use their £500 prize money.

If you’re an engineer keen to experience the ‘best crash course in scicomm’, apply now for the next event, taking place 5th–16th March, at imanengineer.org.uk/engineer-apply Continue reading

Posted on November 24, 2017 by ModShane in News | Comments Off on ‘I have fallen in love all over again with engineering’ – November 2017 Winners blog posts

What Stuart Inglis did with his prize money…

Stuart was voted the winner of Robotics Zone in March 2016. Here he reports on how he used his £500 prize to make his own STEM outreach project happen. If you’re an engineer who’d like funding to support your own STEM outreach activities, apply now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here at imanengineer.org.uk/engineers After a rather slow start my miniROV kits have had their first shakedown run at the hands of the next generation of budding engineers! I used the winnings from the Robotics zone of I’m an Engineer 2016 to buy components for building underwater robots or Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs). The kits were based on an existing design from Robert Gordon’s University (RGU) which was adapted to make them reusable, so that the money went further and could be used with more pupils. Once all the individual components were bought it was time to dust off the old … Continue reading

Posted on November 22, 2017 by ModShane in RAEngWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Stuart Inglis did with his prize money…