
I'm a Engineer LogoSelection of IAS PostcardsWe’ve put together some useful info about the event, feel free to use it in emails and newsletters, we’ve supplied both short and long versions for engineers and teachers, as well as a couple of images. If you need anything else contact Josh at or give him a ring on 01225 326892, we’re also on Twitter @iaegmooh.

For Engineers (the long version)

Like X Factor for engineers!

I’m an Engineer is an X Factor style competition for engineers, where students are the judges. You put up a profile on our website, answer questions and have live online (text) chats with school science students. Students vote and the winning engineer gets £500 to communicate their work to the public.

If you get any joy from explaining the world, or think you might have some aptitude for it, then don’t hesitate to apply! For the sake of a couple of weeks with a little extra work-load, the experience is an amazing one! Finding out what the students care about, what they are concerned with and how they have a genuine interest in the world around them is exhilarating. It’s not nearly as daunting, tiring, troublesome or time-consuming as you might fear! I found that all my fears were groundless and all my hopes for the competition were exceeded massively!” – Matt Maddock, Diamond Light Source

Everything happens on the web, so you can join in without leaving your desk. The event runs over 2 weeks in March, June and November.

It’s a unique, fun way of developing communication skills, gaining a fresh perspective on your research, and finding out what young people think about science and the role of engineers.

Apply at:

When you apply you’ll be asked to fill in a 1 sentence summary of your work – make this interesting and understandable to 13/14 year olds, as a panel of students will then select the researchers to take part.

To find out more visit: or email Josh in the team at or give him a ring on 01225 326892.

For engineers (the short version)

Like X Factor for engineers!

Apply now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here! – a 2 week long online competition for engineers, where students are the judges. You put up a profile on the website, answer questions and have live online text chats with school science students. Students vote and the winning engineer gets £500 to spend on communicating their work.

It runs in March, June and November. More info at or contact

Apply at:

For Teachers (the long version)

Free enrichment project: like X Factor for engineers!

I’m an Engineer is a free online X Factor style competition for engineers, where students are the judges. Your students read the engineers’ profiles, ask them questions and have live online text chats with them. Students vote for their favourite engineer to win £500 to spend on communicating their work to the public.

“Thank you so much for talking to us we have had such an amazing time speaking to you! We are all so inspired by your work!!!” – Student, West Thames College

Students become more enthused about science, learn that science lessons relate to real life, and see that engineers are normal people.

It runs in March, June & November and is completely free for schools. It’s open to all secondary students, but most commonly used by Year 9 students. All teachers are sent a Teacher Pack with lesson plans and a science debate kit, to help introduce students to the event and reduce the lesson planning required.

Register at:

To find out more visit: or email Josh in the team at or give him a ring on 01225 326892.

For Teachers (the short version)

Free enrichment project: like X Factor for engineers

Register now for I’m an Engineer, Get me out of here! Your students talk online with engineers over a 2 week period and vote for their winner. Students become more enthused about science and engineering, learn that science, maths and D&T lessons relate to real life, and see that engineers are normal people.

It runs in March, June & November and is completely free for schools. More info at or contact

Register at: