Health Zone Report – March 2015

The Health zone was a themed zone consisting of engineers working in different areas of healthcare, for example researching implants for hips, developing new medicines or improving methods of fixing broken bones. This was one of the busiest zones for live chats and they were well attended by the engineers, with students often able to talk to four at a time. Louise and Naomi were especially good at engaging during these chats. The engineers seemed to get on very well with each other and interacted outside of the zones, over Twitter for example. It was notable that few questions were submitted through ASK in this zone. Download the complete report.

Posted on April 15, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Health Zone Report – March 2015

Communications Zone Report – March 2015

The Communications Zone was a themed zone featuring engineers who worked on the transfer of information, for example in wireless networks or by encoding video for smartphones. The Zone had the highest proportion of active students of any zone at 92% of the students who registered. The focus was more on careers in engineering rather than the theme of communications engineering. Out of the engineers, Rik especially put in a great deal of effort in to his questions in ASK and he attended nearly every available live chat. Download the complete report.

Posted on April 15, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Communications Zone Report – March 2015

Apprentice Zone Report – March 2015

The Apprentice Zone consisted of engineers that had all started their career on apprenticeship schemes, or were currently on a scheme.  Despite the variation in their current professional backgrounds there was a very strong focus on apprenticeships and ‘engineering as a career’ in both ASK and CHAT, and the live chats were lively and fun. The engineers engaged well with ASK, providing 423 answers, well above the average number for March, and students often commented on their answers. Stacey, the Zone winner, was excellent in attending nearly every live chat, leading to her contributing over 40% of the lines of chat. Download the complete report.

Posted on April 15, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Apprentice Zone Report – March 2015