Energy Zone Report – November 2015

READ THE FULL REPORT This zone was funded by the Institution of Engineering and Technology and the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. The engineers involved all worked in an area related to energy. For example, Stevie maintained the electrical systems of an experimental fusion reactor, Dona researched new materials for improving energy storage in supercapacitors and Liena worked for the National Grid. Both questions in ASK and discussions in live chat were focused on the topic of energy, especially on its future, and the specific work of the engineers. Due to high demand, seventeen schools took part, which is the most of any I’m an Engineer zone so far. The engineers who attended the most live chats Andrew (11) and Stevie (13) got the furthest in the zone

Posted on December 16, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, IET, IMechE, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Energy Zone Report – November 2015

Production Zone Report – November 2015

READ THE FULL REPORT The Production Zone was funded by the Institution for Mechanical Engineers and the Institution of Engineering and Technology. All the engineers were involved in aspects of production from programming robots, to using lasers to make aircraft parts, to finding more efficient ways to make processed food, to using living cells to make drug molecules. The Zone was busy in both live chats and ASK, where the 796 submitted questions was well above the I’m an Engineer average. Due to students asking about the different jobs of each engineer, the zone was focused on the theme of production, as well covering engineering in general and current issues, such as gender representation. In particular, Mark and Michael engaged strongly with students, accounting for 75% of the ASK questions and live chat lines between them.

Posted on December 16, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, IET, IMechE, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Production Zone Report – November 2015

Artificial Body Zone Report – June 2015

The Artificial Body Zone was a themed zone funded by the Wellcome Trust. It involved engineers who work with technology that could replace or support non-functioning body parts and organs, covering areas like jelly inserts for the spinal column, cochlear implants, and 3D printing bones. Topics discussed in the zone were a mixture of general discussion about engineering as a career and the work being done by the participating engineers. Lizzie, who won the zone, was very dedicated, only missing one live chat during the event. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Artificial Body Zone Report – June 2015

Energy Zone Report – June 2015

The Energy Zone was a themed zone funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC). The participating engineers were working in energy-related fields such as developing renewable energy power plants, improving how buildings use energy and planning the infrastructure needed to deliver North Sea gas to the UK. The Zone had a high percentage of active students (92%) and they were keen to find out about what engineering involves, what the working life of the participating engineers was like and the education needed to become an engineer. This was a very competitive zone amongst the engineers, with Yasmin, Tadhg and Lee in particular engaging well throughout. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Energy Zone Report – June 2015

Environment Zone Report – June 2015

The Environment Zone was a themed zone funded involving engineers whose work impacted, or was impacted by, the environment. For example, Arshan studies how sewage systems cope under flood situations and Nicola models the National Grid’s gas network in response to changing demands. This zone had the most questions approved out of the June zones (349) and the live chats were busy throughout. Popular topics in the Zone were engineering as a career, women in engineering, and the work of some of the engineers, for example earthquake resistant buildings. Most of the engineers were very engaged, with Nicola in particular answering over 200 questions in ASK. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Environment Zone Report – June 2015

Hospitals Zone Report – June 2015

The Hospitals Zone was a themed zone funded by the Wellcome Trust. The work of the participating engineers covered areas such as developing medical diagnostic machines, designing hospitals to be safe from fire and researching new ways of manufacturing medicines. The live chats were consistently busy and the ratio of questions approved to those submitted was above average. Engineering in hospitals was one of several themes amongst others, rather than the main focus of the Zone. Other themes were the appeal of engineering, subject advice, and the personal motivations and preferences of the engineers. The majority of the engineers engaged well in the Zone, and the top four answered a similar number of questions in ASK. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Hospitals Zone Report – June 2015

Space for All Zone Report – June 2015

This was a themed zone funded by the UK Space Agency and featured engineers involved in fields that developed technologies for space or used information from spacecraft. The students in the zone wanted to know about how the work of the engineers related to space and space travel, what engineering was like as a career and who the engineers were as people. Camilla, Katie and Rhys were especially engaged during the event, and all engineers interacted well with students, discussing shared hobbies and interests as well technical science and engineering questions. Download the full report

Posted on July 21, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Space for All Zone Report – June 2015

Kelvin Zone Report – June 2015

The Kelvin Zone was a general engineering zone funded by the Science and Technology Facilities Council (STFC) and Simon, Norbert and Craig worked for organisations related to the research council. The engineers taking part covered a wide range of fields from aircraft engineering, satellites, flood defences, scientific research equipment and automotive engineering. Both ASK and live chats were quiet compared to other zones in June. The main focus of the zone was on engineering as a career, either what the engineers enjoyed about their current jobs or how they came to be where they were. More specific engineering questions covered the wide variety of topics related to the work of the engineers. Norbert, who won the zone, put a great deal of effort into attending chats in particular. All the engineers interacted positively with the students and their different experiences of engineering illustrated nicely the varied potential the discipline offers. … Continue reading

Posted on July 21, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, STFC, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Kelvin Zone Report – June 2015

Transport Zone Report – March 2015

The Transport Zone was a themed zone where the engineers were all involved with helping things move, for example creating software to control huge ships, or designing more efficient combustion engines, or researching new materials to produce aircraft. It was the smallest of the March zones, with 186 students registering. Live chats were often relaxed and focused mainly on engineering as a career and the daily lives of the engineers. It was a competitive zone for the engineers, with the top three of Felicity, Peter and Olivia all engaging very well with the students. Download the complete report.

Posted on April 15, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Transport Zone Report – March 2015

Safety Zone Report – March 2015

The Safety Zone was a themed zone which included engineers whose work improved the safety of different industries, for example in aeroplanes or the internet. This zone had the highest number of students taking part (520) of any I’m an Engineer zone run so far. It was the most active of the March zones in many measures, having double the average of questions asked, approved, and answered, and the most live chats booked. Neil, the Zone winner, did particularly well to hold the attention of students during solo chats. Overall, school activity was fairly even resulting in a very engaged zone. Download the complete report.

Posted on April 15, 2015 by ModShane in 2015, Zone Reports | Comments Off on Safety Zone Report – March 2015