What Graham Wiggins did with his prize money…
Graham won the Apprentice Zone in June 2014. Here he tells us how he decided to use his £500 prize money as donations to outreach programmes … I know what you are thinking…. “ why choose a donation, and why those recipients? “ I hope the next 229 words will explain my thoughts. Having read the guidance notes for the event, I needed to get as much effect for the cash as I could, while providing a traceable paper trail at the same time. This favoured a donation, but to whom? I decided to split the cash into 3 unequal parts, £200 to WISE, £200 to the Vulcan to the Sky Trust, and £100 to Science Oxford. WISE spent their cash on their Create Your Future project which is a series of workshops around the country to encourage more girls to consider STEM careers and, in particular, apprenticeships. The cash for Vulcan to the Sky went on their public engagement and … Continue reading