Winner Reports

What Graham Wiggins did with his prize money…

Graham won the Apprentice Zone in June 2014. Here he tells us how he decided to use his £500 prize money as donations to outreach programmes …  I know what you are thinking…. “ why choose a donation, and why those recipients? “ I hope the next 229 words will explain my thoughts. Having read the guidance notes for the event, I needed to get as much effect for the cash as I could, while providing a traceable paper trail at the same time. This favoured a donation, but to whom? I decided to split the cash into 3 unequal parts, £200 to WISE, £200 to the Vulcan to the Sky Trust, and £100 to Science Oxford. WISE spent their cash on their Create Your Future project which is a series of workshops around the country to encourage more girls to consider STEM careers and, in particular, apprenticeships. The cash for Vulcan to the Sky went on their public engagement and … Continue reading

Posted on June 3, 2015 by ModShane in News, STFCWinner, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Graham Wiggins did with his prize money…

What Andy Hearn did with his money…..

Andy won the High Performance Zone in 2012. We asked him to write us a brief report about how he used his £500. Here’s what he said: Raspberry Pis were my pledge should I win my I’m an Engineer zone.  Back then they were only just emerging into the public consciousness.  Now, as I write, these diminutive single board computers have long since made a big name for themselves. The prize money had to be put aside until the one Pi per customer limitation was lifted, so there was a Christmassy feel in the summer when the large package arrived. Two were dispatched to the schools that I interacted with over the two weeks of I’m an Engineer (hey schools, I’d love to hear back from you Re: the fate of these Raspberry Pis, whether they were put to good use or otherwise!), sticking with my promise to donate them – just because the … Continue reading

Posted on February 18, 2015 by ModShane in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Andy Hearn did with his money…..

What Paige Brown did with her prize money…

Paige won the Health Zone in I’m an Engineer in March 2012, she tells us how she spent her winnings: Following my I’m an Engineer win in the Health Zone, I started a science photography initiative. I spent $800 dollars on a used Canon T3i SLR camera, and started a website for my science photography at Since my original camera purchase, I used my I’m an Engineer winnings as well as personal funds to buy extra camera lenses, including a Canon 100mm Macro lens that can magnify objects up to two times their actual size. My goal was to provide inspiring and thought-provoking photography of the world at the small scale that we don’t always see up close, the scale of plants and insects. This is also known as macro photography. By using a special macro lens and other specialized equipment, I can magnify the size of tiny insects … Continue reading

Posted on August 9, 2013 by ModShane in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Paige Brown did with her prize money…

What Robin Stafford-Allen did with his prize money…

Robin won the I’m an Engineer Energy Zone in March 2012. His plan all along was to donate it to the CCFE Charitable Fund which is “used to support science and other projects with local schools, and to support local community groups with grants for particular pieces of equipment. So far this has included both primary and secondary schools with a strong emphasis on the science teaching and support.” Here’s how the the donation was used… We presented the cheque for the prizemonies to the school, St Gregory The Great in Oxford. The money is being spent on a Microwave transmitter and receiver as shown in the picture foreground. This will be very useful for the year 12 and year 13 Physics and science programs. Various aspects of wave and wave transmission and interference can be demonstrated and researched.

Posted on February 5, 2013 by ModShane in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Robin Stafford-Allen did with his prize money…

What James Vokes did with his prize money…

James won the I’m an Engineer Transport Zone in March 2012. Here’s how he spent his prize money… Despite destroying the first prize cheque I was given (by “testing” whether a cheque can survive a full washing machine cycle). I was extremely happy to win. My goal with the prize money was to try introduce and enthuse more people to Software Engineering. Fortunately at the same time a British charity Raspberry Pi Foundation was planning to release a new ultra cheap computer with their goal that it be used to “promote the study of computer science and related topics, especially at school level, and to put the fun back into learning computing”. So I used the prize money to buy some of these Raspberry Pi’s and the kit associated with them and plan to introduce them to pupils at tech fairs and hopefully in the future as part of a … Continue reading

Posted on November 28, 2012 by ModShane in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What James Vokes did with his prize money…

What Chris Hill did with his prize money…

Chris won the Water Zone in I’m an Engineer back in March. We asked Chris Hill to write a brief report on what he’s done with his prize money. Here’s what he said.. I passed the cheque for £500 to OWL bikes and they were delighted. The work they do there is fantastic and passes on real, hands-on engineering skills to young people who may otherwise be overlooked by society and never given this opportunity. I am a huge supporter of this charity and have given lots of money and volunteer time to it over the years since it started. OWL Bikes provides vocational training for disabled and disadvantaged people by recycling and refurbishing unwanted bikes to sell to the public at reasonable prices. I met the three young people in the photos and their dexterity and hand-eye co-ordination has improved massively over the few weeks they have been involved … Continue reading

Posted on October 30, 2012 by ModShane in News, Winner Reports | Comments Off on What Chris Hill did with his prize money…