Detection Zone Report – November 2019

Read the report: Detection Zone Report – November 2019 [PDF]

The Detection Zone was a themed zone supported by the Science and Technology Facilities Council. It featured five engineers:

  • Will Smith works at Daresbury Laboratory collecting data from the particle accelerator.
  • Lulu Buford works for Wood plc, an engineering partner for STFC, designing gas pipelines for a laboratory that detects dangerous elements in samples.
  • Fahim Dhalla works at CERN as a cryogenics mechanical engineer, testing superconducting magnets.
  • Chris Parmenter, the winner of this zone, works at STFC RAL Space designing cameras and other equipment to use in space.
  • Candice Basson is a PhD student funded by STFC using the Large Hadron Collider to look for the building blocks of our universe.
Posted on January 15, 2020 by ModShane in 2019, STFC, Zone Reports. Comments Off on Detection Zone Report – November 2019