Artificial Body Zone Report – March 2017

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The Artificial Body Zone was a themed zone funded by Wellcome. Zach is a PhD student using computers to look at the movement of bones and muscles in the foot, Todd is a PhD student looking for the best environment to grow a kidney in and Sophie is a lecturer studying new materials and methods to make bone implants. Daniel is a PhD student who has made a living 3D model of the roof of the mouth to study mouth infections, Ana, the winner of the zone, makes artificial legs for amputees and Alejandra is a postdoctoral researcher developing robotic arms for people that have lost their hands.

The zone was lively and the students seemed to easily engage with what the engineers do and how their work is helpful. Notably, the students used it to ask a lot of questions about career choices. Engineers engaged in talking with students about what subjects to take, what apprenticeships to undergo, but also about the fact that it was also very early to specialise, and that there was time to think about what they wanted to do.

Posted on April 6, 2017 by modmichaela in 2017, Zone Reports. Comments Off on Artificial Body Zone Report – March 2017