Food Zone Report – March 2016


This zone was a themed zone funded by the Wellcome Trust, with five engineers working in a variety of areas relating to food. Ross works in Bournvillle investigating and developing chocolate, Abi is researching how to grow meat in a lab, Dean is Group Senior Packaging Engineer for Burtons Biscuit Company, Tom designs new snack foods for PepsiCo and Blanca is a sustainability consultant making agriculture easier and accessible for people at home.

Students showed lots of interest in the engineers’ individual jobs, with lots of questions directed at Abi about growing meat and Ross about chocolate, for example. All of the engineers were highly active throughout the event reflected in an even spread of activity within the ASK section and the live chats. Engineers often carried on attending chats and answering questions even after they had been evicted. The zone had the fewest schools taking part (8) compared to the other zones in the March event.

Posted on April 13, 2016 by modmichaela in 2016, WT, Zone Reports. Comments Off on Food Zone Report – March 2016