What Robin Stafford-Allen did with his prize money…

Robin won the I’m an Engineer Energy Zone in March 2012.

His plan all along was to donate it to the CCFE Charitable Fund which is “used to support science and other projects with local schools, and to support local community groups with grants for particular pieces of equipment. So far this has included both primary and secondary schools with a strong emphasis on the science teaching and support.”

Here’s how the the donation was used…

We presented the cheque for the prizemonies to the school, St Gregory The Great in Oxford.

The money is being spent on a Microwave transmitter and receiver as shown in the picture foreground. This will be very useful for the year 12 and year 13 Physics and science programs. Various aspects of wave and wave transmission and interference can be demonstrated and researched.

I am shown with three sixth formers and the Science Teacher Adam Easton

Posted on February 5, 2013 by ModShane in News, Winner Reports. Comments Off on What Robin Stafford-Allen did with his prize money…